The Timeless Beauty: Exploring Ancient Ruins in L. Gan

In L. Gan, there were ancient ruins hidden in the lush forests. Some of them are Gamu Haiytheli in Mudhin Hinna area and Mumbaru in Kuru Hinna area of L. Gan Mukurimagu. Gamu Haiytheli is exactly 303 feet in circumference and it takes up 4848 square feet land area.

These ruins were like magical puzzles made of old stones. Explorers and kids loved to visit these mysterious places. They imagined stories about kings and queens who might have lived there long ago. It includes the story of Mahabadhi Kaloa.

It is said that these ancient ruins had walls covered in vines and secret tunnels to explore. BizCo Kids feel like adventurers in a fairy tale as they wander through these timeless wonders.