
Parent Awareness

Nurturing Little Minds: The Vital Role of Healthy Eating Habits for Preschoolers

In the formative years of childhood, the significance of cultivating healthy eating habits cannot be overstated. As young minds embark on their educational journey, the fuel they consume plays a pivotal role in shaping their physical and cognitive development. This essay delves into the importance of instilling healthy eating habits in preschoolers, recognizing it as a cornerstone for their overall well-being. Causes: Nutrient Deficiency Risks: Inadequate intake of essential nutrients crucial for growth and development. Lack of a diverse and

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Professional Development

Nurturing Leadership: Our Staff Empowerment Journey

The dawn of a new academic year signifies fresh beginnings and opportunities, not only for students but also for those who guide and inspire them. At BizCo, the belief that student leadership begins with that of the teachers is not just a mantra but a lived reality. As part of their unwavering commitment to fostering exceptional leadership, TeamBizCo embarked on a transformative journey in collaboration with Women’s Enhancement, supported by The Asia Foundation and skillfully facilitated by our esteemed board

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Community Partnership

Navigating the Digital Playground: Striking a Balance in Screen Time for Young Minds

In an era dominated by digital technology, the management of screen time for young children has emerged as a pressing concern for parents, educators, and caregivers alike. As screens become ubiquitous in daily life, finding a delicate equilibrium between harnessing the benefits of technology and safeguarding the well-being of our youngest generation becomes paramount. Causes: Consequences: Islam emphasizes moderation in all aspects of life. The Quran mentions, “Eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who

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Community Partnership

Meeting Our Local Heroes: Police Officers Visit BizCo Kids

Today was a special day at BizCo Kids Nursery Program as two local police officers paid a visit to our curious and excited little learners. It was a fantastic opportunity for our kids to meet these real-life heroes who work tirelessly to protect and serve our community. Here’s why it’s so important to introduce our preschoolers to the police and appreciate our local L. Gan Police Station. Fostering Trust and Comfort: Meeting police officers in a friendly and safe environment

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L. Gan Story Series

Legends of the Sea: Mythical Tales from L. Gan

Near the shores of L. Gan, the sea whispered stories to the children. They heard tales of mermaids with long, flowing hair and friendly dolphins that played in the waves. They learned to respect the sea and all its wonderful creatures. BizCo Kids sit by the beach, listening to the waves and imagining these magical sea creatures. They knew that the sea was full of stories waiting to be discovered.

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L. Gan Story Series

Guardians of Tradition: Preserving Cultural Heritage in L. Gan

In the lovely island of L. Gan, there were special people known as “Guardians of Tradition.” These were wise elders who knew all about the island’s customs and stories. They loved to share these stories with the children, teaching them dances, songs, and games that had been passed down for generations. BizCo Kids listened with big, curious eyes. They wore colorful clothes and danced to the music, celebrating the wonderful traditions of their island. They promised to be good guardians

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