
Laamu Sea Explorer Series

Under the Lunar Glow: Curry Fish’s Enigmatic Reproductive Ballet in L. Atoll

Observing Curry Fish releasing eggs during the second night of the Lunar Month at Miskiyfaru Outer Ring in L. Atoll is a fascinating aspect of our research on sea cucumber reproductive behavior. During this unique lunar event, Curry Fish gathered at the coral reef at a depth of 20 meters. As the night unfolds, the Curry Fish engaged in a carefully coordinated reproductive ritual. The female Curry Fish, distinguished by their slightly larger size and more rounded shape, took center

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Parent Awareness

Tiny Tales: Crafting Conversations with Preschoolers

As the sun sets on a day filled with exploration and discovery, engaging preschoolers in meaningful conversations about their day unveils a magical realm of imagination and connection. This essay explores the importance of talking to preschoolers about their day, offering insights into effective communication strategies that nurture their developing minds. Unlocking the Day’s Adventures: Preschoolers are like eager explorers, each day filled with adventures and discoveries. Unlocking their experiences through conversation not only strengthens the parent-child bond but also

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L. Gan Story Series

The Timeless Beauty: Exploring Ancient Ruins in L. Gan

In L. Gan, there were ancient ruins hidden in the lush forests. Some of them are Gamu Haiytheli in Mudhin Hinna area and Mumbaru in Kuru Hinna area of L. Gan Mukurimagu. Gamu Haiytheli is exactly 303 feet in circumference and it takes up 4848 square feet land area. These ruins were like magical puzzles made of old stones. Explorers and kids loved to visit these mysterious places. They imagined stories about kings and queens who might have lived there

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The BizCo Journey

The Happiness Day at BizCo Kids

Every year on August 10th, a sense of excitement fills the air at BizCo Kids Preschool as children, parents, and staff come together to celebrate “Happiness Day.” This special occasion marks the anniversary of the preschool’s inauguration and the warm welcome extended to its very first batch of students. In a world where joy is often fleeting, Happiness Day serves as a reminder of the enduring happiness that education and a nurturing environment can bring. BizCo Kids Preschool, known for

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Community Partnership

Temper Tantrums Unveiled: Navigating the Storm with Effective Strategies

In the lively world of preschoolers, tantrums often unfold like miniature storms, leaving parents and caregivers in the wake of uncertainty. Yet, within these challenges lies a unique opportunity for growth and emotional development. This essay explores effective strategies tailored for handling tantrums and meltdowns in the context of preschool-aged children, offering a guide for parents and caregivers navigating the tempestuous terrain of early childhood. Understanding the Triggers: Preschool tantrums often stem from unmet needs, frustration, fatigue, or a burgeoning

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L. Gan Story Series

Stories Untold: Oral Traditions and Folklore in L. Gan

In L. Gan, stories were passed down through generations by word of mouth. Elders shared tales of heroes, magical creatures, and adventures under the stars. The islanders knew that these stories held the wisdom and heart of their people. The children of L. Gan gathered around eid campfires, listening to these captivating stories. They knew that these tales were a precious gift from their ancestors. They dreamed of becoming storytellers themselves, carrying on the oral traditions of their island. Do

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